Workers Compensation

Experienced Illinois Workers’ Compensation Lawyers

When you have been injured on the job, it can be a stressful and tense time between worrying about medical treatments to providing for your family while you are hurt – thinking about your rights takes a backseat. At Giamanco Law Partners, we help you obtain the full benefits you deserve for your injury and take the worry and stress out of the process so that you can focus on getting better.

What Injuries Are Covered?

Only injuries that arise out of your employment and occur during the course of your employment are covered under the Workers’ Compensation Act. But this doesn’t mean that the injury must be traumatic like falling off a ladder or getting crushed by machinery. An injury arising out of and during the course of your employment can also be from the repetitive use of a body part such as constantly reaching overhead. These repetitive trauma injuries generally manifest as tendonitis, carpal tunnel syndrome or similar conditions.

Things To Consider After a Work Injury

As in most areas of law, there are strict time limits under the Workers’ Compensation Act for reporting your injury to your employer and filing a claim at the Workers’ Compensation Commission. The Workers’ Compensation Act requires employers to pay the medical expenses of their employees who are injured during the course of their employment. But, injured workers are limited to two choices of doctors or the medical treatment will likely not be covered.

Some employers have a preferred provider program, which further limits injured workers’ options. In addition to covering the medical expenses of their injured workers, employers must often pay temporary total disability (TTD) while the worker is temporarily unable to work. TTD is 2/3 of an injured worker’s average weekly wage. For an injured worker who is still working, but on light duty or on a part-time basis an employer may pay temporary partial disability benefits for the difference in earning from before and after the injury. Lastly, an injured worker may have some degree of permanent disability that they are also entitled to receive compensation from their employer.

Personal Injury Actions

If an employee’s injury is the result of a third party – someone other than your employer – a personal injury suit may be pursued. A personal injury lawsuit can provide compensation for losses not covered under the Workers’ Compensation Act and generally do not have the same limitations for recovery. Some examples of when a third party may be responsible for your injury include but are not limited to:

  • A car accident caused by another driver
  • Defective equipment
  • Parent corporation that forced aggressive budget cuts, knowing they would result in reductions in maintenance, training and safety
  • General contractor that fails to correct OSHA violations of its subcontractors

If you have been injured at work and want your rights protected and the peace of mind that comes with knowing someone is on your side, contact the experienced and effective workers’ compensation attorneys at Giamanco Law Partners today.

Injured At Work? Talk To A Lawyer Before You Sign Anything.

If you have been injured in a work-related accident, having a lawyer on your side ensures that your receive the compensation that you deserve and are treated fairly by the insurance company and employer. The process starts with a free consultation, and if you decide to hire us, there is no upfront cost to get started.

Call 630-635-5555 today for a free phone consultation to discuss how we may be able to assist you in the defense of your case or contact us online today.